It's kinda surprising to me just how much I adore my Cookie. She's my 6 year old tuxedo cat that I've had since she was barely 3 weeks. It's not just that I adore her. She actually took over the roll of my corgi Drumsticks when she passed suddenly in November of 2009. I suppose I should start out further back than that though.

When I first got Cookie, she was really sick and had to be quarantined for about 16 weeks. Not surprising since I practically picked her up off the side of the road. But when she finally came free from her sick room she met Drumsticks. Now, Drumsticks wasn't the biggest fan of cats...actually, she hated cats, but she was one of the sweetest dogs you would have ever met and wouldn't harm a fly, let alone the kitten now following her around like a lost duckling. Cookie adored Drumsticks, she would snuggle up to 'her' dog at night to sleep, follow Drummy around the house, meow at the door when she was outside for too long, and when we had to put her down, Cookie wandered the house crying for her dog for days after. It's been almost four years now and since then Cookie has done her part to fill some very big paws. Whenever I was upset, it was always Drumsticks who knew when I wasn't happy and would come to see if I was okay and then wait out the impending cry. Even when she was laying on the table at the vet, clearly in pain, and waiting on the shots that would take her away from her pain, she didn't care. Her biggest concern was that I stopped crying and she tried to lick my face since there wasn't much else she could do at that point. That's just the dog she was, she hated seeing people upset.

Well, I recently realized just how much of that role Cookie has taken over. I fell in my kitchen and really screwed up my knee a couple weeks ago now and Cookie immediately came running. This is the cat that usually sleeps and stares at you when you try to move her. Then today, after a follow up doctor's appointment where I was told that I probably have cartilage damage and will likely need knee surgery, I've been going through all kinds of emotions. Cookie plops herself in my lap, leans into my chest and purrs. That did it. I mean what else can you do in such a situation where you're completely stressed out. So I did just that, I wrapped my arms around my cat and cried due to lack of any other options. Needless to say, I feel much better now and Cookie is lounging about the floor acting goofy.

As much as I love my dog Tilly, she's great for making people smile, but she has no clue how to handle people that are stressed out and/or upset about something. Tibolt, my other cat, has the same reaction as Tilly, so I'm really glad that Cookie picked up Drumsticks' knack for comforting people, although she doesn't show it often.
I really can't believe that I've been in a school a month already! It feels like no time has passed at all and yet Fall Break is quite literally next Monday and Tuesday.

So I guess I'll start with filling you in on AWA. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert nerd-gasim* I saw so many characters! We even met a Hobbit! It was really funny since I was just telling Fantasia that I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a hobbit and there walked by a hobbit. Epic. Dr. Doom was there looking astounding. Almost all my favorite anime characters were there. I got a Tiny Top Hat and got the artist to sign it and now Adam and I are starting to work out some concepts for a steampunk cosplay since my tiny top hat is a steam punk hat. It's so cool. Other things, I got an Itachi poster, an Itachi plushy and a picture with an Itachi! *fan girl screams can be heard* So yeah, absolutely phenomenal!

School wise, I'm actually looking at going into midterms with straight A's this semester. I'm super excited about that! And my new degree should be about organized, so I need to make some rounds to see what is going on with the degree program and find out what the Honors College wants from those of us who were originally in the Honors International Program. So stuff if coming along, just need to work on it all.

I have finally completely my first graphic design project. I took a few of the shugo chara characters and completely revamped them in a dark format for the five cards we were assigned. Check them out!

By the way, the brace on my leg is because I fell in my kitchen. Yep. My kitchen. No broken bones, possible cartilage damage, but I don't know that until tomorrow. *sigh* I may have to drop my aerobics class. :( That would kinda suck, but it's not like I have a lot of options right now.

That's it for now. I have to continue working on the never ending homework pile.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

